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Contributions in January

under Python, Pyramid, Plone, Gentoo, English

Another month passed by, another update.

  • mr.bob got another bugfix release 0.1a7 which will short be superseded by another release with template dependencies feature. This is probably going to result into first beta release, since I consider commmand-line interface complete feature-wise. Python API will be refactored when I eventually start to use it.
  • bobtemplates.ielectric is my personal collection of mr.bob templates and currently includes templates for a modern Python package and a very opinionated pyramid skeleton. There were some rather small bugfixes made.
  • zc.buildout is nearing 2.0 release and during Beer And Wine Sprint in Munich, I tried to write outline for the new documentation. It's not finished yet, but I plan to work on that sooner or later. I certainly can't blame the lack of Club Mate for not finishing the outline.
  • During Beer and Wine Sprint I was with the Patternslib team, which is doing a great job at developing a library that with the help of HTML5 data API loads and configures JavaScript plugins that provide certain dynamic behaviour to the webpage, such as dropdown menu. I was working on bundling with grunt, but we later decided to ditch it and go with Makefile and jamjs.
  • pyramid_jinja2 1.6 release. Adds support for jinja2.globals, jinja2.newstyle and a more sane default for jinja2.i18n.domain.
  • Last month I forgot about nose-selecttests 0.3 release, a nose plugin to white-list on command line what tests to run from testsuit when using nose test runner.
  • During my last year of Telecommunication masters courses at University of Ljubljana, I worked on a project to evaluate Network Intrusion Detection System Snort. Unfortunately it's in Slovenian, but nevertheless, you can read latex source or pdf here.
  • Got first client that did not pay for my work \o/ I learned a lot from the occasion, so I'm positive about the time spent. After days of thinking and a forward notice to the client, I open sourced the code to github collective.nutrition.
  • I'm currently writing this blog post on a plane to FOSDEM 2013, can't wait to see again developers from Python community and meet some new people!

If you have an interesting problem to solve under a public license, I'm happy to hear from you at :-)

Cheers, Domen